Will you just shut-up, man?

Last night’s debate once again affirmed what we already knew — the man in the White House is completely incapable of leading and is fixated on nothing except spewing hate and lies for his own personal gain. Luckily, the election is still in our hands, and we can elect Joe Biden! Read his open letter to Americans abroad here https://www.democratsabroad.org/joe_biden_reaches_out_to_americans_abroad.

As an American abroad, it’s imperative that you return your ballot now. Deadlines are quickly approaching, and we don’t want you to miss them! You can request your ballot and check your state’s deadlines at www.votefromabroad.org/states http://www.votefromabroad.org/states.

Please note that there is NO in-person voting in Germany in November!

We’re also excited to share some updates on voting, including a €25 overnight delivery special from FedEx and “I Voted from Germany” stickers, as well as events, like an online vigil forBreonna Taylor and a debate debrief.

There’s no downside to submitting a FWAB. But you should also mail in your official ballot as soon as you receive it. If both the FWAB and your official ballot reach your voting jurisdiction by the deadline, only the official ballot will be counted and the FWAB will be discarded.

FedExExpress is kindly offering Americans abroad a discount to send ballots home reliably. US voters living in 10 European countries can now take advantage of a special rate for overnight return of their absentee ballots. From now through November, FedEx International Priority service for envelopes up to 500g sent to the USA, including home pick-up in many cases, costs just €25

This special is only bookable online — discounts will not be given if booking at a FedEx store or on the phone. Feel free to privately tell your friends and family, but please do not post about this on social media.

If using FedEx, or any other courier, your ballot must still be enclosed in a ballot envelope, also sometimes called a “secrecy” or “security” envelope. The instructions that come with your ballot will explain how to prepare your ballot envelope. Complete your ballot, put it in the ballot envelope, seal it, make sure to sign the ballot oath, and then put it in the courier service envelope.

All details, including a step-by-step “how to guide https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVyyR-IwwEGW5gKcdqPZI1DchqE9iE4l/view“, about the FedEx deal can be found at

www.democratsabroad.org/vote_from_germany http://www.democratsabroad.org/vote_from_germany

As a small thank you for your civic engagement, DA Germany is happy to mail you an “I Voted from Germany” sticker free of charge. https://fs11.formsite.com/DAGermany/ivotedfromgermany/index.html

Get your free “I Voted from Germany” sticker here https://fs11.formsite.com/DAGermany/ivotedfromgermany/index.html

(save the picture and already make it your prof pic, too!)

Remembering Breonna Taylor https://www.democratsabroad.org/remembering_breonna_taylor_an_online_vigil

Thursday, October 1 — 4:00pm


Last week, we got news that a grand jury in Kentucky refused to indict the officers who killed Breonna Taylor for her murder. Instead, one officer was indicted for wanton endangerment of the occupants of the apartment next to Breonna’s. If you’re like me, you were heart broken and furious that once again, our system failed to provide justice for a black person. Breonna’s case is not an exception; it’s not an outlier. She, like so many other black women and men, are victims of a system of policing and criminal justice that refuses to afford black and brown skin the same treatment and consideration as white skin. Enough is enough. It is clear to me that justice cannot and will not be given or granted. Justice can only be created by those who demand it. So let’s come together to once again morn our sister Breonna, may she rest in power. And discuss how we can create and shape our justice. Say her name.

Debate Debrief https://fb.me/e/1ysF9gkWO

Friday, October 2 — 5:00pm


“Will you just shut up, man?” was precisely the thought of millions of Americans and people worldwide for over four years. If the first presidential debate has you feeling some type of way and you need to let it out, join our post-debate debrief online via Zoom this Friday from 5:00-6:00pm CEST. RSVP for login information.

Voting from Abroad Q&A https://www.democratsabroad.org/ckerestan/voting_from_abroad_q_a

Monday, October 5 — 6:00pm


Do you have questions about how to vote from abroad? Are you a Democrats Abroad volunteer helping others and want to familiarize yourself with the ins-and-outs of overseas voting? Join us for a one-hour info session and Q&A that will walk you through the entire process!

Before attending the session, we recommending already trying to fill out the absentee ballot request form (FPCA) and a back-up ballot (FWAB). Instructions for both can be found atwww.votefromabroad.org http://www.votefromabroad.org/.State registration deadlines start to fall in early October,so please do not delay. Check your state’s deadline atwww.votefromabroad.org/states http://www.votefromabroad.org/states.

A full list of help sessions can be found at www.democratsabroad.org/vote_from_germany http://www.democratsabroad.org/vote_from_germany.

Phonebanking Training https://www.democratsabroad.org/ckerestan/da_germany_phonebanking_training_and_q_a_20201006

Tuesday, October 6 — 7:00pm


Calling is one of the best ways to get our members to vote! It’s easy and effective! Do you have time to make a few calls? Many of our members are at home, eager to receive them.

Learn how to phonebank at this online live training. For beginners or to refresh your skills or to share your experience! We’ll focus on the basics, take questions, describe the new texting feature, and discuss how it will be to call in the current environment.

We have fantastic volunteers working around the clock to provide voting assistance — and we couldn’t do this without your help. Please consider sponsoring our cause in these critical last few weeks. We are entirely funded by members’ donations. Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated and can be directed to:

Account name: Democrats Abroad Germany

IBAN: DE04 5405 0220 0140 2702 99


If you’d like some bang for your buck, why not order some DA and Biden-Harris merchandise? Buttons, tote bags, shirts, and more can be found at www.democratsabroad.org/germanyshop http://www.democratsabroad.org/germanyshop.

Our entire DA Germany team thanks you for your continued support and wishes you a great start to October! The day when we’ll finally have a Democrat in the White House is getting closer and closer!


DA Germany

http://www.democratsabroad.org/ http://www.democratsabroad.org/ http://www.democratsabroad.org/ http://www.democratsabroad.org/http://www.democratsabroad.org/

Have you voted yet?

Have you voted yet? What is your current voting status:

Thank you for being a member of Democrats Abroad. Per our records, we have not heard from you for awhile and do not have confirmation that you are set to vote in the upcoming election. You should have received your ballot by now if you requested it via email.

If you could confirm your contact information and also your voting status, that would be greatly appreciated.


If that information is incorrect or incomplete, please click here to let us know whether you are still living abroad or not. It just takes a minute. You will have the opportunity to update your contact information, confirm your membership in DE, move your membership to another abroad country, join the US Alumni group if living in US, or cancel your DA membership.

Note that if you prefer, you can login to your profile on www.democratsabroad.org and make the changes directly on your profile page. You can also send the updates to this email address as another option. Here’s the link to our privacy policy http://www.democratsabroad.org/privacy.

If you have any Voting Questions, please send to info@democratsabroad.org.

If you have any Membership Questions, please send to membership@democratsabroad.org.

Thank you for your help.

Democratically yours,

Shari Temple

DA Global Membership Team

September/October NCB

Well, that month flew by!

Please join us for the September/October NCB chapter meeting on Sunday, October 4 at 19:30 via Zoom. We’ll give you all quick update on the events we’ve held and want to hear about voting questions or experiences you have to share.

We would also like to create space for members to discuss the political landscape and their priorities in the current climate. Topics like:

  • the first presidential debate
  • the Supreme Court vacancy
  • the Biden campaign
  • the challenges of campaigning during Corona
  • the general direction of the Democratic party and the situation in the battleground states, also regarding close Senate races and opportunities to pick up seats in Maine, Arizona, North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa and Montana.

Please RSVP and you’ll be sent the meeting link and info.


DA Germany-North and Central Bavaria


Dialing for Democracy

Yesterday morning, scores of volunteers from around the world started Dialing for Democracy <https://www.democratsabroad.org/ckerestan/dialing_for_democracy_ballot_week_call-a-thon>. Their goal? To reachall Democrats Abroad members shortly after ballots have been sent, confirm that they’ve received theirs, helpthose who still need to request a ballot before looming deadlines or whose ballots haven’t arrived, and inform voters on how to promptly return them to their respective voting jurisdictions. They will keep calling through Thursday evening. Perhaps you’ve already received a call yourself! If not, and you need voting assistance, please visit www.democratsabroad.org/vote_from_germany.

With so much at stake in November, I’d encourage you to call with us <https://fs11.formsite.com/DAGermany/1n1qfojuuk/index.html>. Please also consider financially supporting Dialing for Democracy <https://www.democratsabroad.org/d4d_ballot_week_callathon_fundraiser>, either by making a general contribution or by sponsoring one of our outstanding callers listed below. We are an entirely volunteer-run and donation-funded organization, and all contributions go directly towards projects like phonebanking and providing voter assistance.

Every bit of help you offer enables us to better reach and serve overseas voters. 


Alix S • Amy S-K • Andreas B • Andreas K • Ann H • Ann S • Anya L • Beverly M-F •  Beverly S • Brittany H • Callie A • Candice K • Carole H • Chris C • Daniel H-E • Darrell W • Elena W • Ellene H • Elliott C • Ethan D • Geoff S • Gwen K • Heather L • Heather S •  Heidi R • Hilary M • Jennifer R-S • Joe M • John G • John J • Joshua F • Julie S • Kate H • Kate L • Katie S • Kira S • Kristine G • Margaret M • Marieke W • Marjorie R • Mathilda G • Matt M • Michael J • Michael W • Miriam M • Nancy S • Nikolas N • Patricia P • Pranjal H • Rebecca M • Renee J • Richard M • Roger L • Sarah J • Sarah L • Seth G • Steven J • Susan B • Susan C • Vinnie C

BECOME A CALLER HERE <https://fs11.formsite.com/DAGermany/1n1qfojuuk/index.html>

SPONSOR DIALING FOR DEMOCRACY HERE <https://www.democratsabroad.org/d4d_ballot_week_callathon_fundraiser>

As always, thank you for supporting our cause: getting out the overseas vote. This is the election of our lifetimes, and we must do everything we can in these last six weeks to get a Democrat in the White House, take back the Senate, and keep the House. Any contribution from you <https://www.democratsabroad.org/d4d_ballot_week_callathon_fundraiser> would put us on the path to do just that.

Thankfully yours,
Candice Kerestan
Chair, DA Germany
DA Germany